Osaka University / Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology / Negoro Group


根来 誠

Makoto Negoro

Associate Professor
Osaka University
Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology
(2022.7.17 Diamond Online, “How much for one quantum computer?)
(2020.11 Featured in Osaka University’s “You and Quantum“)
2021.3.31 Supervised the Quantum Sensing Handbook.

Group Leader (Cross-appointment)
National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
Quantum Hyperpolarized MRI Group, Quantum Life Science Institute

Director and CSO

Technical Advisor

My research interests include quantum information and magnetic resonance (NMR, ESR, MRI).
As an invited associate professor in the Department of Electron Photon Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, I am closely collaborating with Kitagawa and Fujii laboratories.
If you are a student or a company interested in working with me after seeing my research, please contact me for further information.