Osaka University / Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology / Negoro Group

Research Overview

Outline of Laboratory

We study quantum information and magnetic resonance (NMR, ESR, MRI). As an invited associate professor in the Division of Advanced Electronics and Optical Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, I am closely collaborating with Kitagawa and Fujii labs. If you are a student or a company interested in working with me after seeing my research, please contact me.


Quantum Information

Development of microwave device to control superconducting qubits

Development of microwave device to control superconducting qubits

Development of Microwave Devices for Controlling Superconducting Quantum Bits
Superconducting qubits and electron spin qubits are controlled by microwave pulses of several GHz to 20 GHz.
We are developing inexpensive, compact, and flexible microwave devices and conducting experiments to actually control qubits.

Implementing Quantum Machine Learning with NMR

Implementing Quantum Machine Learning with NMR

Quantum machine learning is machine learning using quantum computers.
Algorithms that will work on quantum devices in the near future include quantum circuit learning, quantum extremal learning, quantum reservoir computation, and quantum kernel learning.
We are studying its implementation in an NMR quantum computer that uses nuclear spins in molecules as quantum bits.
Click here for the slides.

Related Publications:
arxiv1911.12021, arxiv1806.10910

Magnetic Resonance

Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Using Photo-Excited Triplet Electrons (Triplet DNP)

Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Using Photo-Excited Triplet Electrons (Triplet DNP)

Nuclear spins are usually oriented in different directions, which is the reason for the low sensitivity of NMR and MRI.
Although the orientation can be aligned at low temperatures, the equipment required to do so is extensive.
The triplet DNP method, in which a sample is illuminated with light to create a photoexcited triplet state with aligned electron spins, which are then transferred to nuclear spins, can be aligned at room temperature.
In 2014, we achieved 34% polarization (fraction of aligned spins) in room temperature solids using this method.
We are working on achieving higher polarization rates and applying the method to a variety of molecules.

Related Achievements:
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2014

Room Temperature Dissolution of Triplet DNPs for Drug Discovery NMR and MRI Medical Diagnostics

Room Temperature Dissolution of Triplet DNPs for Drug Discovery NMR and MRI Medical Diagnostics

We have developed a room-temperature dissolution triplet DNP technique to produce highly polarized liquid by dissolving a sample whose nuclear spins are aligned at room temperature with hot water by triplet DNP.
Since the sensitivity of NMR signals and MRI is proportional to the polarization ratio, this liquid enables ultra-sensitive measurements.
We are conducting research to apply this to drug discovery and medical diagnostics such as determining the effectiveness of cancer treatments.
Click here for a video presentation by Prof. Kitagawa, the representative of the participating CREST project.

Quantum Sensing with Quantum Coding

A measurement method that uses controlled qubits as sensors is called quantum sensing.
With two or more qubits, the state can be encoded into a quantum entangled state, making it sensitive to the quantity you want to measure or insensitive to the quantity you do not want to measure.
We are studying applications of quantum sensing with quantum encoded nuclear spins.

Related Publications:

HOMEResearch Overview